Useful exhibitor resources

03 Filmographical information

Find out the most accurate sources for detailed film information.

Filmographical information refers to the basic identifiers of a film, such as:

  • Original title
  • Director(s)
  • Key cast members
  • Year of production
  • Country of production
  • Language
  • Certificate
  • Distributor
  • Theatrical release date
  • Running time

For a full glossary of terms, visit the International Federation of Film Archives (FIAF) website.

How to source

To source filmographical information for films that have previously been or will shortly be theatrically released in the UK there are three main resources: the BBFC, the FDA website (Launching Films) and IMDb.

These details can be useful for programmers considering titles for their venue (certificate, distributor, theatrical release date, running time) and marketeers putting together film listings for their venue, as well as the general public.

  • The BBFC is the British Board of Film Classification, an independent, non-governmental body which classifies films for public viewing in the UK. On the BBFC website you can find out the certificate for a film, the most accurate running time and the theatrical distributor. You may also be able to find out the original release date.
  • The FDA website’s UK Film Release Schedule lists films slated for UK cinema release in the present, future and recent past in the UK. You can find out films’ release dates and their theatrical distributor.
  • IMDb is the widely-used Internet Movie Database, a vast searchable database of film content with information on millions of titles. On IMDb you can research year of production, cast, director, country(ies) of production and language. You may also find a running time, but as rough film times are often listed here prior to certification (or from festival screenings or previous releases of the film, which occasionally differ in length), it’s best to use the most recent BBFC advice if available.

In addition, Wikipedia often has useful filmographical information on its individual film pages; plus it may also offer more detail on the film’s development and production, plot, cast, release, festival screenings and/or awards, critical reception and review links (example).

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