Still Alice

Dir: Richard , Wash Glatzer, Westmoreland




Julianne Moore gives a Golden Globe-winning, Oscar-nominated performance in Richard Glatzer and Wash Westmoreland’s profoundly affecting drama.

Moore plays Alice Howland, a respected university professor, wife and mother who receives the nightmarish diagnosis of early-onset Alzheimer’s.

A deeply cerebral woman, Alice is initially bemused by her sudden inability to recall words and keep appointments. Fearing cancer, she seeks medical help and finds out instead that it is her mind that is beginning to fail.

Directors Glatzer and Westmoreland sensitively depict the far-reaching consequences of this awful discovery – for Alice, suffering both the emotional and existential panic of her plight; and for both her husband (Alec Baldwin), facing the loss of his beloved partner and their children (including daughter Lydia, an excellent Kristen Stewart) who flounder as their formerly brilliant mother begins to fade before their eyes.

Booking Information


Curzon Film

Release Date

6 March 2015

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