Advice & Support

Fundraising for Independent Cinemas

Make your organisation sustainable and achieve ambitious goals

In the absence of a wizard granting you an endless pot of gold, fundraising is a reality for everyone who works in cinema and wants to do ambitious projects. But how do you build a sustainable core of funding for your work, find new funders and make your case in a way that delivers results?

This essential ICO guide covers all these topics, as well as common sticking points like budget development and bid writing. There’s also guidance on how to build a diverse base of funding, including crowdfunding and sponsorship.

Written by fundraising expert Ellen McGuinness – who has worked with organisations of all sizes and financial needs – this guide gives you a clear structure and process for fundraising, so you can build a strong base to serve your community.

Download it here:

Included in the guide:

  • Fundraising overview
  • Articulating the case for support
  • Crowdfunding & capital funding case studies
  • Practical grant writing skills
  • Partnerships, sponsorship & budget

An Independent Cinema Office guide, produced with funding from the BFI Audience Fund, with additional support from BFI FAN.

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