Donate to us

Did you know the Independent Cinema Office is a registered charity? All of our work is supported by the generosity of individuals and our partners. By donating today, you’ll be making sure that people across the UK have access to life-changing cinema in their communities.

Why should you support our work?

When you donate to the ICO, you’ll be helping us in our vision and mission to:

  • Give more people in the UK access to cultural cinema via our programming network
  • Make the film exhibition sector accessible to everyone through our life-changing employment schemes
  • Provide free advice, guides and resources to anyone who wants to show films in their community
  • Offer low-cost training and events so cinemas and film festivals can reach a wider range of audiences
  • Find more incredible films to distribute to UK audiences

To donate to the ICO and help shape a more inclusive, more ambitious film culture in the UK for all, please complete the below form.

Donate to us

Leaving a legacy gift to the Independent Cinema Office

We are incredibly grateful when anyone, after taking care of their loved ones, wants to remember the Independent Cinema Office (registered charity number 1109053) in their will. If you are passionate about films and cinemas, leaving a donation to ICO is the best way to make sure people will be able to continue enjoying life-changing cinema in your memory.

We are a registered charity and welcome conversations about how we can be included in your will. Any amount is welcome. If you would like to discuss how you can include ICO in your legacy planning and also how we can acknowledge your generous support, please get in touch with our Projects and Business Manager Duncan at:

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