Eight Early Career Filmmakers Awarded In First Round Of Miles Ketley Memorial Fund

Ahead of Spring Screening Days 2023, the latest edition of the UK’s largest cinema conference programme, we at the Independent Cinema Office (ICO) are proud to announce the first eight beneficiaries of the Miles Ketley Memorial Fund, which was launched in 2022 in memory of the producer and trustee of the ICO, who was passionate about supporting early career filmmakers, especially those whose voices are often overlooked in the industry.

Funded by the Independent Cinema Office, the bursary fund, worth £15,000 over three years, is designed to support filmmakers from communities traditionally excluded from the industry, and who make original, interesting work that connects with a wider range of audiences. Eligible filmmakers must have shown work at a previous ICO Screening Days, either as a first feature or within the event’s Introducing… slot.

Collage showing award recipients, from left to right clockwise, Jessie Currie, Sian A. Williams, Hollie Bryan, Aleem Khan, Cathy Mager, Alfie Barker, Corine Dhondee, Zoe Hunter Gordon
(From left to right clockwise, Jessie Currie, Sian A. Williams, Hollie Bryan, Aleem Khan, Cathy Mager, Alfie Barker, Corine Dhondee, Zoe Hunter Gordon)

The first selected filmmakers, who have between them received over £5,000 are: Aleem Khan (director, After Love, first feature), Sian A. Williams (director, Rebel Dykes, first feature), Alfie Barker (director, Hanging On, Introducing…), Cathy Mager (director, Sign Night, Introducing…), Corine Dhondee (director, Cinema is the Weapon, Introducing…), Hollie Bryan (producer, Hanging On, Introducing…), Jessie Currie (director, Introverse, Introducing…), Zoe Hunter Gordon (director, ill actually, Introducing…).

Catharine Des Forges, Director of the Independent Cinema Office, says:

Miles was passionate about new talent and gave a lot of his time and energy to supporting emerging filmmakers. The fact that we received so many applications for this first round of funding demonstrates the real need for support at this level. Our goal with Screening Days is to make sure cinemas are seeing the best new films so that they can put them in front of audiences. We hope this award will help make sure these filmmakers can keep creating life-changing, innovative work that matters to audiences.”

Applications for eligible filmmakers for the next round of the Miles Ketley Memorial Fund will open in April 2023.

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