
Pulmo Marina

Dir: Aurélien Froment

United States of America (USA)




The best work in the programme is ‘Pulmo Marina’ – a ravishing but witty reflection on cinema’s capacity to seduce.

Brian Dillon, Sight & Sound


Against a uniform background of purest Yves Klein blue, a pale yellow jellyfish roils and bristles like a fragment of living lace, while a slightly officious voiceover informs us of its baroque but literally brainless anatomy, its voracious cannibalism and its classical forebears (in French, such a creature is a méduse). The apparently depthless blue is, we’re told, the rear of an elliptical tank at Monterey Bay Aquarium, in which the jellyfish is held in constant stasis by two opposing currents of seawater.

This title is no longer available for booking from the ICO

About the artist

Aurélien Froment – b. 1976, Angers, France; lives in Dublin. His current practice involves the use and making of films, exhibitions and publications through a diverse array of collaborations with artists, institutions, friends and numerous image manipulators. The documentary approach plays a key role in his work, investigating the positions that inform our reception of the material he collects, such as narratives borrowed from cinema, architecture and the history of entertainment. Recent show of Aurélien Froment include The Exhibition Formerly Known as Passengers (Wattis Institute, San Francisco), For Immediate Release (Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin), The Fourth Wall (Montehermoso, Vitoria), Froebel Suite (Gasworks, London), La légende vivante (Galerie Lucile Corty, Paris) and Théâtre de poche (Bonniers Konsthalle, Stockholm). Further information on Aurélien Froment’s work can be found at www.motivegallery.nl.

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