All of Us Strangers (in-person only)

Dir: Andrew Haigh



105 mins


Andrew Scott, Paul Mescal, Claire Foy, Jamie Bell

Andrew Scott, Paul Mescal, Claire Foy and Jamie Bell star in 45 Years and Weekend director Andrew Haigh’s hauntingly beautiful new film, a striking adaptation of Taichi Yamada’s 1987 novel Strangers.

Adam (Scott), a melancholy screenwriter living in a nearly-empty London high rise, strikes up a new relationship with his mysterious neighbour Harry (Mescal). At the same time, he makes a miraculous, supernatural discovery at his old family home in the suburbs – one that keeps him returning again and again, and offers him the potential to re-tread and salve old wounds.

Using a metaphysical conceit to meditate on love, grief and the intense distress of a profound loss, touching on mental health and addiction issues, Haigh’s poignant, carefully modulated ghost story revisits the fears and traumas of a specific generation of gay men while illuminating the human condition more broadly. With superb performances, from Scott and Mescal in particular, All of Us Strangers is a sublime, uncommonly perceptive and emotional film.

Contains flashing images which may be unsuitable for viewers with photosensitive epilepsy.

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