Chair & Trustees

Alchemy Film & Arts


Salary: Unpaid

Alchemy Film & Arts are seeking energetic and engaged individuals to join their Board.

We are looking for up to three Trustees, including a new Chair, who can bring new perspectives to our organisation.

We are particularly (but not exclusively) looking for candidates with experience in:

  • Cultural management
  • Fundraising (especially in the cultural sector)
  • Artistic/filmmaking practice
  • Higher Education (especially in applied learning contexts)
  • Accountancy
  • Law

We welcome applications from candidates who have no previous experience at Board level and recognise that many representatives of our wider community have been excluded from such opportunities in the past. We are hoping to find a new Chair amongst applicants, so if you do have experience of chairing in previous organisations and are interested in being considered for the Chair position, then please highlight this in your application.

We are actively looking to improve representation within our organisation. Our current Board is overwhelmingly white and cis-gendered, and represents a limited range of experience. We want our organisation to reflect the diversity of society at all levels, and for that reason we would particularly welcome applicants with experience of living with a disability, lived experiences of LGBTQ+ issues, applicants who have experienced racism, individuals from a low-income socio-economic background, and individuals across a variety of age ranges.

What does it meant to be a Trustee?

Trustees are responsible for overseeing the management of a charity. Trustees offer expertise, strategic guidance and legal oversight. They support the organisation’s core team, ensure that financial reporting requirements are met, support fundraising and serve as public advocates.

The role of Trustee is voluntary and unpaid, but reasonable expenses can be claimed (to cover travel costs to attend a meeting for example).

Our Trustees attend between four and six meetings a year. While we expect at least some of these meetings to take place in person, we are open to recruiting Trustees living outside of Scotland and expect to continue offering virtual participation in meetings beyond current COVID-19 restrictions. We also aim to offer additional adaptations (such as live captioning or BSL) if required to enable participation in meetings.

How to apply

Please submit:

  • A CV
  • A brief cover letter (maximum one page A4) or a short video recording (maximum five minutes) outlining the reasons why you are interested and what you would bring to the role

Please send applications (and/or any questions) to Karen Gateson, Chair of Alchemy Film & Arts, at

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